Heidi Latsky Dance

Four dancers in front of a marquee in a range of dance movements.


A photograph from ON DISPLAY TIMESTAMPed by Heidi Latsky Dance depicting four dancers in front of a marquee in a range of dance movements. The photograph is in black and white. In the forefront are two dancers dresses in white gowns, and with their arms in outstretched positions. In the background is a dancer laid against a large round flat marble cylinder, and another dancer is stood on a similar piece to the right of the photograph.

Five dancers on a dark stage in different poses with outstretched arms.


A photograph from TRIPTYCH by Heidi Latsky Dance depicting five dancers on a dark stage in different poses with outstretched arms. All are wearing black, and are back lit by the lighting along the top of the stage.

A group of five dancers on a stage in a range of positions.


A photograph from TRIPTYCH by Heidi Latsky Dance depicting a group of five dancers on a stage in a range of positions. They are all wearing white and two dancers in the forefront of the photograph are leaning towards each other over the backs of two other dancers.

Three dancers on a stage with their arms outstretched and holding hands


A photograph from TRIPTYCH by Heidi Latsky Dance depicting three dancers on a stage, their arms outstretched and holding hands. All are wearing black.

Six dancers at a distance, on a stage.


A photograph from TRIPTYCH by Heidi Latsky Dance depicting six dancers at a distance, on a stage. All are facing different directions. All are wearing black.

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